StringBoss is a module for Apple's Control Strip. This strip was created to quote and unquote text for email and inserting information like your address into a document rather than making you type each time. I hope that this control strip makes those things less of a pain.
Shareware Notice
This control strip is shareware. If you use it, please send US$5 to:
Hal Gumbert
2114 Mount Vernon Street
Orlando, FL 32803
You can mail me at <>.
My WWW page is at <>.
If you don't use it, please let me know why.
Feel free to redistribute this package as long as no changes have been made and this document is included. The entire package includes the control strip and this ReadMe file. Distribution on online services or CD-ROM's must send notification. If this is included on CD-ROM, disk or any other medium, you must send a sample of the product as payment.
I'd like to thank David Wiser for his help with this project. He let me ask many questions, bounce ideas off him, and test for me. I'd also like to thank Richard Kline for his help.
Put StringBoss into the "Control Strip Modules" folder in your System Folder. If you have Desktop Strip, put it into your "Desktop Strip Modules" folder in your System Folder. Finally, Restart.
Current Features
Quote Clipboard
Quoter takes ANY text from the clipboard and "Quotes" it for email purposes. You can trigger quoting by either choosing "Quote Clipboard" from the control strip menu or hold the command/open apple key and click once on the control strip.
Unquote Clipboard
Unquoter takes ANY text from the clipboard and "Unquotes" it in case the text is needed for other purposes. Unquoter assumes that the first character in the selection is the "quoting" character like ">". If it finds the quoting character in the first position of any line it will strip it out. Unquoter will also remove any spaces in the second postion and any returns past the third position. You can trigger quoting by either choosing "Unquote Clipboard" from the control strip menu or hold the control key and click once on the control strip.
User Items
User items will place any text up to 255 characters onto the clipboard. To set the items, you will need to open the control strip with ResEdit. You will need to open the "STR#" resource type and then open resource number 257 named "UserStrings". Two strings must be added for each piece of text. The first string is the text that will show up in the strip's menu. The second string is the actual text to be placed on the clipboard. For example, "Hal's Address" would be string 1 and "2114 Mount Vernon Street, Orlando, FL 32803" would be string 2. Choosing "Hal's Address" would put "2114 Mount…32803" on the clipboard. You can have up to 30 user items. That means that there should be no more then 60 items in "STR#" resource number 257.
User Items with Date and Time
You can put the date and time on the clipboard by placing a specific code in the second string. Three versions of the date and two verions of the time are available. The codes are as follows:
"&DATE1&" | Short Date | 2/1/96
"&DATE2&" | Long Date | Wednesday, February 1, 1996
"&DATE3&" | Abbreviated Date | Wed, Feb 1, 1996
"&TIME1&" | Short Time | 12:05 AM
"&TIME2&" | Long Time | 12:05:09 AM
The code must be in the string alone. When you install the control strip, you will notice each of the five items.
Quote: hold the command/open apple key and click once on the strip.
Unquote: hold the control key and click once on the strip.
Future Features
User Items with Insert
User Items with Insert will be the same as the User Items but with a twist. If you put a "&INSRT&" in the second string, the current contents of the clipboard will replace the "&INSRT&". For example, if the clipboard contains "cool" and the second string contains "This is a &INSRT& control strip." then after choosing it from the menu the clipboard will contain: "This is a cool control strip." This feature will be useful for write HTML. Creating the user item "<BOLD>&INSRT&</BOLD>" will code the text in the clipboard as bold. Also, you will be able to use the &DATE?& and &TIME?& functions in any postion instead of by itself.
Allow choice of quoting width.
Allow choice of quoting character.
Change case. Change clipboard to "lower case", "UPPER CASE", or "Title Case".
Automatically type out the information rather than using the clipboard.
Add a "Sort Date" that will put a date in the format YYMMDD and YY/MM/DD.
Add a "Military Time" that will put the time in the format 1405 and 14:05. That's 2:05 PM to you and me.
Bug Reports and Feature Requests
If you have any comments, bugs, feature requests, or questions, feel free to send an email.
95/06/22 - 1.6
Converted to MetroWerks CodeWarrior 9. Previous versions were developed using Symantec's C++ 7.0.4. Changed the name from HalStrip to StringBoss.
95/05/04 - 1.5
RECALLED version 1.3. Skipped version 1.4 to avoid confusion.
95/05/04 - 1.3
Added User Items. Added User Items with Date and Time.
95/08/11 - 1.2
Added modifiers. You can now hold the command key and click for quoting or control click for unquoting.
95/06/14 - 1.1
Added Unquoting feature.
95/06/04 - 1.0
Prepared for distribution.
95/03/26 - 0.8
Cleaned up code.
95/03/23 - 0.7
Initial version. Quoter is functioning.
StringBoss is written in C, using MetroWerks CodeWarrior.